
Some Ideas

Scriptwriting is a great class, and I absolutely love it. My teacher always encourages us and works with us one on one until we are happy with our ideas. I couldn't think of ANYTHING last class until about 20 minutes in and I came up with this.
 There is a small girl who is neglected by her parents, due to their social and work habits. She has a vivid imagination and longs for someone to play with. She lacks in most social skills because her parents never had time to teach her how to be polite to other kids and how to play in general. Because of this neglect she is shy and wants to make friends but won't go out of her room now. She starts to make things out of everyday objects in her room, having tea parties and rolling around in her room with socks that have faces on them. Sadly she still isn't complete. She starts to make a bear out of laundry and it comes alive in her eyes as a friend. finally someone to be with. She starts to play with this bear but every time her mother or father pass by they look at he just throwing laundry up in the air. They disregard her, and one day her mom comes in for the laundry. She takes the bear away and the girl comes home and instantly is terrified. she runs around the house trying to find the bear, picking up pieces of him around the house, and can't find all of him. she goes to her room crying. her only friend is lost, she's alone again. her mom brings back her laundry and the bear pokes his head out, the girl lights up inside and goes to get him back together, they are back together and she feels his love again.

sadly this story is missing a lot. it's meant to be for a 22 minute script and it's lacking something. there isn't a HUGE conflict. so we worked on it. 

piles of laundry look like octopus's kinda, strung out all over the place. so we changed that aspect. the little girl also has to be able to make conscious decisions and so she's about 9 or so in age. and we also decided to have a ending that's not quite the same. the girl gets so angry at her parents that she decides to run away. the house will be situated by the ocean and at the end we will see the girl and the octopus going into it, and diving in. The girl gets lost in her imagination because it's an escape and so once she enters the ocean the octopus and her swim off into the deep.

does she die? possibly, most likely. but it's so much more dramatic in my head. I think this would really work out as a great idea, I just need to work it out all the way....
anyways, enjoy the few sketches I put up and the story as it is now, ill post the rest later :)

here's me and a 6 ft squid pillow I drug around campus on Thursday