I should of been working on my script or possibly my storyboard, but I decided that after the horrible events of today I needed a break from school for the day.
Hipsters in my photo class let it out on how much they hated my photo project, which let me down, a lot. Then I felt like I totally bombed one of my finals...so all in all not a very good day in my book.
So I decided to pick back up on my portfolio website. I read a ton of sites and just got more confused on CSS and how to do it. I went on Photoshop and just started mocking up what I wanted it to look like....I'm just not a learner by words, I have to DO it, so the CSS won't come until I can find some interactive thing to do it along with (Youtube will not let me down this timeeeee)
Here's the basic skeleton I'm thinking of:
Homepage | Welcome |
Animation |
Illustration |
Photography |
Links |
Info Page |
It's simple, clean, and my colors :)
Anyways, I should get some sleep...... I gotta cram in the homework I didn't do today into tomorrow morning....
Ill be glad once finals month is over!
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